
Showing posts from December, 2020


 During my TWW, I started watching "The Crown". It was such a great distraction from the anxiety I was feeling, and like many Americans I know, I'm fascinated by the British royal family.  Well I'm embarrassed yet proud to say that I have finished all 4 seasons (it's only 40 episodes haha) in a matter of a week. Like most UK shows that I've watched so far, the seasons are short and the pace is fairly quick though there are what I call "slow-burn" episodes here and there. It gave me new insight into the family members I never thought about (Princess Margaret and Princess Anne in particular), and made me see other members in a different way (especially THE love triangle; Diana, Charles, Camilla). I also realized what brilliant actresses Claire Foy and Vanessa Kirby are; I'm actually binge-watching their Youtube interviews now, hah! Last night was a different story; a huge wave of sadness washed over me as I came to the realization that I would get


 After another month of not conceiving, I decided to go against doctor's orders and got the  Premate Ovulation Predictor Kit  to use in conjunction with tracking my ovulation on the Flo app. I have to say, that the app is fairly accurate at predicting my most fertile days so far, which gives me a bit more faith in continuing to use it. Onto the kit. I am already a bit icked out when I have to pee in a cup for urine tests at the doctor's, so the thought of doing this everyday made me uncomfortable, but then I reminded myself that having a baby would be likely be THE most (physically) uncomfortable thing that could come from this journey (hopefully) so a little pee never hurt nobody, hah. Since there has been lots of opinions written about the most ideal time of day to use the test, I decided to test it out both first thing in the morning, and late afternoon. After just two uses, the process became routine and I felt myself looking forward to taking the test.  Now we sit and wait