After another month of not conceiving, I decided to go against doctor's orders and got the Premate Ovulation Predictor Kit to use in conjunction with tracking my ovulation on the Flo app. I have to say, that the app is fairly accurate at predicting my most fertile days so far, which gives me a bit more faith in continuing to use it.

Onto the kit. I am already a bit icked out when I have to pee in a cup for urine tests at the doctor's, so the thought of doing this everyday made me uncomfortable, but then I reminded myself that having a baby would be likely be THE most (physically) uncomfortable thing that could come from this journey (hopefully) so a little pee never hurt nobody, hah. Since there has been lots of opinions written about the most ideal time of day to use the test, I decided to test it out both first thing in the morning, and late afternoon. After just two uses, the process became routine and I felt myself looking forward to taking the test. 

Now we sit and wait. It just so happens that the first week of my TWW coincided with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, what an eventful few days! 


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