I'm now in the dreaded "TWW" period which I learned during my trying-to-conceive journey, stands for "Two Week Wait". When I asked my gyno about the best ways to track my ovulation, best chances at conceiving, and early signs of pregnancy, she told me with the slightest hint of exasperation that the traditional methods work best. This means having sex as often as possible to not miss any "window", not rely too much on apps (although she mentioned it was fine as an aid to record data to reference), and a missed period is the only true indication of even a possibility of being pregnant. Basically she was saving me a good deal of money that I would otherwise be spending on ovulation strips and such. I don't think there's anything wrong with purchasing these aids though, but as someone who is furloughed from my job, I do appreciate hearing that those extras are not totally necessary. Furthermore, I think it's best to learn as much as possible about fertility and not only rely on one source while dealing with this already stressful time.

During this TWW, I have started listening to a new parenting podcast, BABY STEPS which is hosted by Ned and Ariel Fulmer. I've been a huge TRY GUYS follower since they were at Buzzfeed, so I really enjoy growing up with the guys and taking a peak into their lives. As for Baby Steps, it's still in its infancy (no pun intended, hah), but it's filled with the refreshing humor and candid discussion that I have always enjoyed from Try Guys content. As a hopeful parent-to-be, I appreciate the insight they provide on things like fears of new parents, experiences with a "geriatric" pregnancy (I hate that term, anybody else?), fertility qualms, their lives with a toddler, and much much more. I have yet to read any books on pregnancy or fertility, but this is a good place to start, especially it entertains and educates without overwhelming me. 

If you're currently in your Two Week Waiting period (or have been), what are you doing, or what do you advise doing, to keep yourself sane?


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